Worm Finds a Treasure

My peacemaking play for our peacemaking chapel. Act 1: Narrator:  It was a pretty day in the understory, and as always, Worm was grumpy.   Worm:  I have to find that treasure! Mole:  You always try to find the gold. Worm:  I want to be rich!  Do you have a problem with that? Mole:  Nope….

Mealworm Adventure

My mealworm and I were going to Alaska.  It was cold and dangerous.  Then we saw a fire breathing dragon, so I picked up my mealworm and ran as fast as I could.  I tripped over a rock, and I fell in a dark, scary hole.  It was warm, and the mealworm friends were having…


The grass is sprouting, The sun is booming, The weather is warm, The trees are cartwheeling, The birds are chirping with JOY! The buds are sputtering, The cool breeze is silent. I like spring. Spring is a time to relax. Spring is a peaceful time. My favorite part about spring is sports!  

In the Rainforest

I read In the Rainforest.  This book is about that in the rain forest, there is no summer, spring, fall, or winter.  It’s warm all the time.  In the rain forest, they get twenty to thirty inches of rain each year.  Tropical rain forests get 200 inches of rain each year.  In the rain forest,…

Colonial Trades: Blacksmith

I am extremely important in the colonies.  I work to create iron utensils such has horseshoes, swords, axes, pots, pans, and silverware.  I have a lever that I pull to make the fire go higher and hotter.  I was also a dentist and used pliers to pull their teeth.  I stay in my shop.  The…


The brown mud is squishy. The cool breeze feels like brown spring. The brown sugar cane is crisp. The brown mud is awesome, especially when it is DEEP! I love watching the snow melt. It’s not fun when your bots fall off because the mud catches them. Spring is fun. Spring is baseball. The rain…

How to Make S’mores

When you begin to make s’mores, you need to gather the ingredients. There are three ingredients that you will need in order to make a s’more. You will need chocolate, graham crackers, and a marshmallow. First, you break a graham cracker in two pieces. Then you will put some chocolate on the graham cracker. Next,…


I picked Michael Baker to be my musher during the Iditarod.  He was born in Denver, Colorado.  One of his sponsors is Goldrush Sled Tours.  Michael Baker is a rookie musher.  I chose him because this is his first time in the Iditarod.   Mrs. Guertin was really nice, and I liked meeting a real…